Artificial Intelligence, AI for short, as the name suggests is nothing but the intelligence possessed by machines. The manufacturing sector is one of the industries that is leading the way in the application of AI. In the coming years AI is steadily changing the production process. How, you ask? Read on!
Robots: As robots take over more and more jobs, it will be essential for humans to learn how to collaborate with these machines. In fact, a study claims that robots could take over 20 million manufacturing jobs by 2030. As AI advances, robots will be more efficient and thereby handle more tasks and be able to make real-time decisions which will further enhance the production process.
Higher Quality of goods: AI algorithms will help manufacturers find any faults during production which could cause quality issues. For example, odd machine behaviour and sudden changes in raw material levels. This is extremely helpful since consumers always expect products to be flawless and it enables producers to build their brand.
Design: AI will change the way manufacturers design products. Engineers and designers will use software to design products via an AI algorithm. This algorithm will explore all the possible configurations before choosing the best one.
Through AI, manufacturers will be able to advance ghs production process effectiveness, facilitate product development, enhance production and even minimize operational costs. Moreover, it is estimated that AI will boost economic growth on an average of 1.7% across 16 industries by 2035.
To conclude, the usage of Artificial Intelligence in the manufacturing industry is certainly still in its early stages but it has already shown significant benefits and has an enormous scope for the future. AI will change the production process by making it cheaper, faster and more efficient.